Dry Eye HealthShare

Find Relief With Shared Wisdom

Compound community knowledge.
Get quick answers from AI based on real patient experiences.
Connect directly with others based on specific treatments & diagnoses.


Ben Makansi

Hi! I'm Ben, and I've had dry eye since 2017.

I created Dry Eye Healthshare after noticing how enormously valuable the insights and experiences of fellow patients were in helping me navigate my journey. Like many sufferers of dry eye, I spent years getting the runaround from doctors and attempting innumerable treatments, desperate for relief and answers. It amazed me that most of the pivotal moments along the way, where I actually made progress, were due to some kind of information I received from other patients.

I observed, though, that accessing detailed and relevant experiences of other patients was still harder than it needed to be. Existing social networks are not designed for the kind of connection, information-sharing, and accumulation of shared knowledge that patient communities need.

With Dry Eye Healthshare, I envision a platform where:

With a background in technology, I saw how new advancements could make this vision more achievable. And after hearing others express a similar desire for a new platform, I decided to quit my job and start building Dry Eye Healthshare.

It'll take time and hard work, but I'm motivated by the enormous possible benefits to our community.

I hope you'll join us and lend your feedback by texting, calling, or emailing me.


Ben Makansi

(484) 798-5593
